Dear Daddy,
one year ago, I was on Skype with Elma, discussing my monthly administration.
The phone rang. It was your and Mom’s number so I picked up with a big smile
and a cheery voice. I will never forget the sinking feeling of certainty I had
when it was your friendly neighbour Corrie’s voice I heard. Without her even
telling me, I knew something was very, very wrong. After five minutes of being
briefed by her, I packed up some essentials and drove to Radboud Hospital in
Nijmegen. There, you moved to the Other Side shortly after midnight.
![]() |
beginning of July 2013 |
It’s been a
year now… Let me start by saying we are coping with our huge loss. Mom is
stronger than maybe even you knew after almost 56 years of happy and fulfilling
marriage. She misses you a lot but has picked up her life again and continues
to bring joy and comfort to many others.
I too keep
trying to make the most of life. I’m sure you know, up there in the Great
Assembly in the Skies, that your last wish for me was granted shortly after you
passed; I DID convince the Ministry of Economic Affairs and made it to Rio de
Janeiro for that large filming assignment you were so excited about! Being back
in Brazil after so many years since we lived there was the most special treat
and a way for me to feel very close to you. After Rio, many more opportunities
have come my way and I always feel you’re there, guiding me along.
Unfortunately, I still pick up the phone to call you every now and then… Maybe
that will pass? Maybe it won’t?
I used to
tell you that you were the only man in my life who had never disappointed me in
any way. Sure, we had our differences once in a while, but your principles and
straightforward outlook on life made you that solid rock we could all build on,
as Mom stated in her eulogy to you. Your love for us – for me – was always
indisputed, making it difficult for anybody else to fill your shoes. This time,
while telling you the same, allow me to illustrate it with examples from my own
life and my less than perfect association with the male species, starting at a
very tender age. The stories will hopefully take you back to all the wonderful
places you took your family to, enriching our lives in ways that to me are
still evident every day.

My memories
of you at that age are purely based on what I perceived as your heroism. You
were my big, strong Dad, working with cows, killing boa constrictors, wading
through mud. Somehow, the handkerchief you used all day in those sweaty
circumstances smelled delicious when you came home. Your gruff voice was loud
in my ears but your eyes were always loving as you taught me things with rope
and glue.
Young A from Australia was the heartthrob of all the girls in my class. Couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep. He set a pattern that was to be repeated in later years, telling me he liked me for my brain but not my looks. We were friends, meaning that I admired him from afar and stuttered whenever he spoke to me.
In those
years in Malaysia, your work took you away from us during the week. You led a
team of cattle experts on a location 4 hours driving from Kuala Lumpur. We used
to visit your little house during holidays and waited for the sound of your
diesel car every Friday, when you came home to make our weekends complete. You
were even more of a hero to me than before, as you filled your days with very
male, outdoorsy things I only knew from books.
J was in my class. He was cool, popular, wore the latest fashion, had green eyes in an olive-skin face. What young girl would NOT fall for him? It was a very full classroom with over 40 pupils. Don’t think J even knew my name…
It was
becoming clear I was the class geek in those years. I got teased a lot and
didn’t have many friends in school. The headmaster thought it was wise to
single me out affirmatively because I spoke English at that age. Idiot! No
wonder the other kids hated me! You, on the other hand, explained to me that having
something that others lack, would not make life easier, but it would make me
stronger. You encouraged my geekiness, probably. And you taught me to
persevere. I’m still thankful to you for both!
I attended the very small American school in Recife in those days – only 156 students from
kindergarten to 12th grade. Everybody knew everybody. Had eyes for C
only. Years older, good in sports, blue eyes and floppy hair – I thought he was
the most beautiful creature ever to walk the face of the Earth. I knew it must
be love when I woke up one morning after dreaming of him. I daydreamed about
him for years while he went steady with a blonde. He never even spoke to me.
As you
might remember, the only way to make any kind of impression on kids in that
school was to be good at sports. I wasn’t, except for athletics. I preferred
having my nose buried in books. However, the need for social contact was
strong, so athletics weren’t the smartest choice. You showed me how to throw
and catch a ball. Then you told me to keep practising, day in day out. I did. I
made it to the school handball team and made friends. I even made it to the
selection for the Pernambuco State Youth team, but that’s when our family
packed up and left Brazil for another country.

explained to me that NO, this did NOT happen because I was ugly but because the
boy was stupid. In fact, any boy or man your daughters talked about has always
had to prove to you that they were NOT stupid. I guess that goes with being the
father of four girls? You told me I was much too clever and precious to even
give any boy who couldn’t keep up with me a second glance. I think I might have
taken that very literally, because I do believe I still expect more from a man
than is reasonable or even fair. After all, they have to measure up to you and
your selfless love, even to this day.
By this
time, I was searching for my roots and started writing to everybody I knew from
my childhood days. A answered my letter and we struck up a correspondence that
lasted quite a while. He was very romantic and sent me pictures of himself. I
swooned and spent all my free time and pocket money on writing him back. After
many moons, I was on vacation where he still lives. I was so excited about
meeting him again but only then found out that, despite his romantic letters to
me, he had had a girlfriend for over a year. He might even have married her at
some point, but I didn’t wait around to find out. All I remember is the broken
heart that lasted for over two years.
You asked
me if I had REALLY believed those letters I received. You also asked me if I
thought I had been very smart to let
myself get carried away by young love. You teased me sometimes, trying to make
me laugh despite my broken heart. I wonder if you were secretly thankful that
the experience kept me off boys at that age?
I fell
fully and completely for F, who was much older and wiser. He was kind to me and
honest. He helped me with my maths and spent hours talking to me and teaching
me about life. All in a purely platonic way, as he had a girl in Italy he was
in love with. Of course, his honesty only made me covet him more… I continued
doing so until I left Tunisia the next year.
You liked
this young man who obviously had no intention of seducing your gullible
daughter. You welcomed him into our home and he gladly accepted, especially on
Fridays, when he knew you’d be baking bread… You told me I had good judgment in
choosing a man, because I fell for one with principles and empathy. You and I
both were disappointed more than a decade later, when I met F again and he had changed
into a sour, disappointed and unforgiving man. At least I didn’t have to get
over him the second time!
I finished secondary school, left for university in the Netherlands and met my
first official boyfriend, S. He was very tall (especially next to me), fun,
loud and full of life. We had a lot of great times together as I discovered
what it was like to live in the “Free West”. I remember our motorbike rides,
the sport matches we attended, his
family and lots more. I suppose I fully expected us to stay together forever,
but then I found out he’d been kissing with a mutual friend of ours for quite a
retrospect, Dad, I think you and I weren’t sufficiently used to life in the
“Wild West” at that time. I think it was as shocking to you as it was to me
that this behaviour was thought to be normal. This time, it was hard for you to
console me. You just didn’t know how. Instead, you advised me – as you have
done throughout my life – to concentrate on my own wishes and my independence.
You also told me to beware of all men, as their notion of loyalty and honesty
is not necessarily the same as mine. You explained that the biological
differences between men and women are such that they have different interests
and therefore different values.
I met G
through S. They shared student digs in those years. He especially liked
photographing me, saying that I looked great in black and white. We had good
times together for a couple of years, but his heart was never really in it. I
suspect he never got over his former girlfriend, maybe even to this day. I have
often wondered what became of him. At least I still have some of those
photographs to remind me of younger days…
At this
point, you started worrying about me. You were certain I spent too much time
having fun and too little on getting my life organized. Despite my fine grades
in secondary school, my attempts at a higher education all failed. I explained
to you that I was sick and tired of Academia, after having spent all my school
years learning new languages and catching up. You didn’t understand.
We quarrelled. A lot. I told you I wanted a career in radio. You told me to
find a reasonable dream. I told you I’d show you and took the very long, lone
and winding road. Your early lessons in perseverance paid off, because years
later you told me you had been wrong and I had been right. You were very proud
of my achievements in Dutch media.
At 21 yrs – Netherlands
J had the
most incredible voice, full of authority, knowledge and self-confidence. I fell
in love with the voice before I met the man, as I listened to his weekly radio
show. Definite sparks flew when we did meet but it never became much more than
one-sided adoration. He liked me a lot but was just too caught up in his own
life (and, as it turned out, a couple of very bad health habits). We were
friends for ages, sparring with each other, throwing witty remarks at each
other and trying to change the world. Although our meetings became less
frequent over the years, it was always great and quite exciting to link up with
him. His habits must have caught up with him… He suddenly died a couple of
years ago.
Once again,
you asked me why my healthy brain allowed me to fall for men who aren’t strong
enough to hold me up. I told you no man but you ever could be... You laughed.
You always laughed when I told you that.
F was my
colleague at work. I found him obnoxious and not particularly attractive but he
was persistent in his pursuit. Maybe all that attention did the trick, because
I finally gave in. Little did I know he was having a parallel affair with
another co-worker. They ended up married.
Your simple
reaction was that “a good-looking woman does not have to settle for an
unattractive man”. Once again, you urged me to set my standards high and to
concentrate on being me. I did. I got my first job as a radio presenter at a
tiny radio station right across the Belgian border. You were amused and
probably surprised that I put so much heart into it.
My phone call
to a record company (enquiring about Lenny Kravitz’ first album before it was
out) brought me in touch with H, who had a major impact on my life without ever
meaning to. H made me music compilations, cooked for me, taught me all there is
to know about roots reggae and introduced me to the island of Jamaica, long
before it was possible to get there from Holland in less than 24 hours time. H
was a troubled soul who should’ve kept to himself and our relationship left a
lot to be desired, but I will forever be grateful for what he taught me! Reggae
and Jamaica still play a key role in my life, even though H no longer walks
this Earth. His spirit still greets me from time to time when I am in Jamaica.
I always salute him, although he caused me lots of grief. Certain songs will
always remind me of him, like John Holt’s Strange Things.
You didn’t
care much for H. You found him weak and furtive and you were probably right.
You did acknowledge what he brought to my life and were very proud of me for
starting my second life in Jamaica – from scratch. I won’t ever forget standing
with you on the roof of Pocadise and you telling me you fully understood my
need for a place like that. You told me how proud you were of me and enjoyed
the tropical life there for the same reasons that I do. I am so thankful to
have had the opportunity of having you and Mom with me in Jamaica three times.
We had so much fun and did so much talking, as we did during all the travels we
shared in my adult years!
At 32
yrs – Netherlands
you really liked W, you wondered how it is possible for so many Dutch men to not “recognize a prize woman when they find her”. I told you once again I would
probably never meet a man who lived up to the standards you set by your own
In order to
help myself get over W, I let myself be seduced by V. V is a hotshot
photographer, quite a bit older than I. He wooed me with stories about his
travels but couldn’t hide the fact he was primarily searching for someone with whom to
make babies. At his age, that was the last thing remaining on his
to-achieve list, he said. V proposed to me - the only man who ever did.
Tempting as it was – he was, after all, offering me a life of luxury – I had to
say goodbye. I had never wished to become a mother and his stories started to
bore me. Our short fling ended and six months after I broke up with him, his
next girlfriend was pregnant. I hope the three of them have a good life!
You were
impressed by his stories and hoped that our liaison would help me get on
further in life. You always found it hard to bear that certain media colleagues
of mine had it easy due to the networks offered by their parents. I explained I
rather prided myself in being totally self-made and independent. You warned be
there would be a limit to what I could achieve in those circles and you were
right, as I found out many years later.
beautiful, lazy green eyes and laidback manner were simply irresistible! We had
first met during a work project, when he was not available. Fate brought us
back together when he was and things went quite naturally from there. He and I
had a good thing going, until we didn’t anymore. Intrigues and work-related
matters got in the way and I let him go. I now see him once a year on average;
he’s doing fine!
The four of
us had good times together. You found him easy to talk to, as did Mom. Remember
our week in Italy together? We went to four open-air operas and enjoyed each
other’s company. You also met his two sisters – quite a memorable afternoon!
This was a man you thought was good enough for me, although you did understand
my reasons to end the relationship.

I always
loved watching you and L together! There you were, two men from Surinam, born
on the same day in August, feeling totally at ease with themselves and each
other. You finally had the chance to speak Sranang with somebody one of your children
brought home. Maybe it surprised you that I could fall for someone from such a
different background, but you saw and acknowledged that he was good to me in
many ways.
Later years
I suppose I gave up on love after L. It was a time of struggle and sadness for me. My career in the news business ended and you helped and supported me throughout the many months of battles with the powers in charge of Dutch media. I guess the only time I ever heard you express the need to really knock somebody senseless was during that time, whenever you spoke of some of the people I had to deal with. Their unjust treatment of me, their lies and conniving ways were probably even more of an insult to you than they were to me. I will always be thankful for all the hard work and thinking you did on my behalf during that period.
I suppose I gave up on love after L. It was a time of struggle and sadness for me. My career in the news business ended and you helped and supported me throughout the many months of battles with the powers in charge of Dutch media. I guess the only time I ever heard you express the need to really knock somebody senseless was during that time, whenever you spoke of some of the people I had to deal with. Their unjust treatment of me, their lies and conniving ways were probably even more of an insult to you than they were to me. I will always be thankful for all the hard work and thinking you did on my behalf during that period.
Perhaps the
most important reason for my concentrating fully on my own life was the fact
that Aisha’s health continued to deteriorate. We lost her after her heroic
4-year battle with cancer. During those four years, you often had to fend for
yourself, as Mom was in Hilversum, keeping Aisha’s life going. Never ever did I
hear you complain or express feeling sorry for yourself. Instead, you took over
Mom’s chores at home and made the best of a lousy situation. Losing your
youngest child in April 2011 was simply unbearable to you, although you
insisted you were coping with it.
During all
those years of worry and grief for Aisha and you, until this day, there simply
hasn’t been room available in my heart for anyone else than family.
I am now 51 years old. I very recently met a man who awakens me in many ways. He is attentive, very clever, romantic, genuine and caring. Who knows? Maybe you sent him to me? I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as I do!
I am now 51 years old. I very recently met a man who awakens me in many ways. He is attentive, very clever, romantic, genuine and caring. Who knows? Maybe you sent him to me? I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as I do!
Here I sit,
Daddy, with a huge hole in my heart where your Earthly you used to live. I miss
you every single day but am grateful that you did not suffer in ways you might
have found unbearable. I carry your lessons with me, have silent conversations
with you and will remain honouring you in every thinkable way until it is my
hour to meet you again. Please continue to watch over me until such time, as
you have always done.
This Wednesday, we buried your ashes; a tiny ceremony at a location of Mom's choice, just the way she wanted it. Whether or not it was divine intervention, our ceremony coincided with a day of national mourning in the Netherlands to honour those who died in the MH17 plane crash. The tolling bells, the flags lowered to half-mast and the sense of solidarity among all Dutch citizens gave extra meaning to our own grief. In many sad ways, it was a beautiful day.
deepest love, I dedicate this video to you… My personal adventures during my
off-duty hours in that week in Rio de Janeiro… I am positive you made it happen, as the Ministry of Economic Affairs signed my proposal on the very day you departed...
Aldith Hunkar
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